Smartwatch Buying Guide 2021: Everything You Need to Know

Know about the significant things that you need to consider while buying the best smartwatch in 2021

Arhasi Marcel
5 min readJun 4, 2021
Best smartwatch in 2021: Smartwatch buying guide

Technology had covered huge areas and it is so mesmerizing to feel that we can carry it around our wrists. It is interesting, right? Yes, I am talking about Smartwatches. Buying smartwatches is a dream for some while an obsession for many. This blog helps you steer yourself to get the best smartwatch in 2021 by analyzing the crucial criteria before buying one.

Factors to Consider Before Buying the Best Smartwatch in 2021

  1. Display
  2. Compatibility
  3. Design
  4. Touch sensitivity
  5. Battery life
  6. Fitness elements ( Recent: SpO2 sensors to sense the oxygen levels.)
  7. Price


The first thing that gets your attention in a smartwatch is its Display. Some of the watches use colorful LCD or AMOLED displays to exhibit the apps brightly. At present, most of the branded smartwatch makers tend to go for OLED displays with adjustable screen brightness. NO one likes more brightness in a smartwatch.

The smartwatches that are getting released these days have a manual ‘on’ button and a touchscreen gesture to access the display as consistent display presence might weaken or drain the battery sooner.

The Display specifications of the best smartwatch in 2021 can be identified by certain factors that include

  • Sharpness
  • Color Gamut
  • Saturation
  • Color Depth
  • Reflective displays
  • Performance in bright ambiance
  • Multiple angle resolution and performance in angle

All these factors will determine the best smartwatch in 2021 with a highly valued display mechanism. Run a check on these factors if you are focused on getting quality display material.


Most smartwatches are created to be compatible with your smartphone and/or your pc. Some familiar brands can be compatible with android devices, including Samsung Galaxy Watch 3, Fitbit Versa ( 3 and Lite version), etc.

They use an app to connect with your smartphone based on the generation of android phones you have.

While some of them have their operating system and can merge or connect with the same smartphone OS. The best and well-known example is Apple. You cannot connect your Apple iPhone with the galaxy smartwatch. So choose wisely.


What defines your smartwatch more explicitly than the design? It is love at first sight, and it always has a place while you choose your smartwatch. So what are the things you should see while selecting the best smartphone design?

Yeah, there are some notable features that you should note while choosing the best smartwatch with an exclusive design in 2021. They include

  1. Layout/Structure — Constructing a design that replicates and compatibles with the phone with a smaller size ( nearly 40% smaller than the phone) and putting all the essential features is just an architectural marvel, and it should be lauded for.
  2. Micro-interactions — It adds more depth to the interactive design. Micro-interactions are design elements that showcase natural emotions through design — the smoother the design, the smoother the functionality of the smartwatch.
  3. Putting in command based on design — While some smartwatches, you will have a manual on/off button and a touchscreen gesture. While for some smartwatches like Apple, all you need to do is to tap the screen.
  4. Screen sensitivity and gesture — You cannot operate your smartwatch like your smartphone. You will have limited commands like swipe, tap, and tap and hold to perform all the functions in your smartwatch.
  5. Button design — Always choose the smartwatch that has larger button targets than the smaller button targets as you might end up clicking the wrong one and disgusting yourself.

Apart from these, there are other common design elements that you should consider before buying the best smartwatch in 2021, including color effectiveness, Navigation, and Push notifications.

Touch sensitivity

As you know, OLED screens have high touch sensitivity than AMOLED and other LCD displays. All you need to do is make sure that you have better color alignment and larger icons to not end up clicking the wrong icon or app.

To be more specific, there are no such smartwatches that have comparable touch sensitivity to other smartwatches. Instead, you can customize your touch sensitivity based on your convenience.

Battery life

Be it smartwatches or smartphones; all are power-draining because of the high-powered apps and the prolonged time we use them. But there are some specifics on reducing battery life and making your smartwatch work on battery economy.

Most of the smartwatches hold their battery for more than 3 to 4 days. As a matter of fact, hybrid watches can hold the battery for more than 6 days if used economically despite having highly energy-sapping features embedded in them.

I am not saying that you should choose hybrid watches over brands. Of course, I would recommend you to use branded smartwatches than hybrid ones. The thing is, you should have to know the battery capacity and use and charge accordingly. To be precise, whatever smartwatch you choose, maintenance is the key.

Fitness elements

This is the main reason why 90 percent of the population buy smartwatches. Yes, it is disgusting to take out your mobile phone often to see how many miles you have run during your course of running.

There are chances that you might slip your phone away that might hurt you and your phone. So, smartwatches have come up with all the healthy element tracking sensors inside them that can help you to track your BP, heart rate, steps you have covered, the google Maps console, etc.

Some smartwatches have SpO2 tracking sensors that can calculate your blood oxygen levels in your body. And during this pandemic, it is the essential element that you can consider. Some of the SMARTWATCHES WITH OXYGEN SENSOR TO ACCURATELY MONITOR YOUR BLOOD OXYGEN LEVELS are

  1. Apple Watch 6
  2. Fitbit Sense
  3. Samsung Galaxy watch 3
  4. Yammy smartwatch


Being a fashion blogger, many people ask me, is it worth investing in smartwatches? All I answer to them was to consider their lifestyle. Yes, if you are physically active and calculate your fitness system during your physical activity, I recommend smartwatches. If not, you can purchase a moderate-level smartwatch that works like a normal one with some extra features.

Another question I come across often is, “How much can I invest in my smartwatch?”. Here is the answer. You can invest between a range of $150 to $250 based on your priorities. If you are an “Apple” person, a good investment is between $1000 to $2000.

Wrapping it up

Smartwatches are fun. They are incredible and make us cool before your crowd. It suits every person and hence is a technological marvel. Buying a smartwatch is cool, but it is even more remarkable if you consider my points mentioned earlier to choose the best smartwatches in 2021.



Arhasi Marcel

Arhasi Marcel is an Austin-based MALE FASHION BLOGGER who likes to talk about men’s fashion, grooming tips, gym motivation, masculinity, cars, bikes, etc.